Introduction to Marketo Sales Insight

Time to show your sales team some love – if you haven’t already. We know the basics of Marketing Automation – it streamlines and automates repetitive tasks. But if you’re wondering how a Marketing Automation system can make life easier for your sales team, we’ve got you covered with this detailed post on Marketo Sales Insight.

1. What is Marketo Sales Insight (MSI)?

Magic happens when the sales and marketing teams align in strategy and execution. Marketo Sales Insight or MSI is a native Salesforce application that can be installed if a Marketo integration exists. The sales team gains visibility of the lead’s interactions with the company website and other marketing assets with its use. Not just that, it has powerful features that help the team understand and prioritize only the hottest leads.

For example, if a lead visited multiple web pages that were generating interesting moments, and filled out a demo request form, they would be prioritized based on lead score and their recent behavior. MSI visually represents this information so that the salesperson can then engage in a conversation with the lead about their demonstrated interests and ultimately close the deal. Page visits to equally well-tracked content, about related products, provides a salesperson with cross-sell opportunities as well.

Shorter sales cycles, higher closing rates and increased revenue – that is the power of MSI.

2. Highlights of Marketo Sales Insight

Marketo Sales Insight Tabs

My Best Bets: Sales reps get to know who their hottest leads are so they can prioritize. Flames and stars denote urgency and relative score.

More flames means the lead’s score is increasing at a faster rate than others in your database, and signifies a higher “urgency”. Whereas, more stars mean a higher overall lead score, as compared to other leads in your database. The tab called “Best Bets” prioritizes leads based on these scoring points, and also shows the last action taken by the lead like the last page they visited or the email they opened. This can be viewed under ‘Last Interesting Moment’ if these interesting moments have been created via flow-steps in Marketo.

A sales rep can then decide who to contact, and what their talking points could be in their conversation. A lead with high urgency and high relative score is more likely to respond positively, and hints from their last interesting moment can help close the deal. Marketo Docs offers more explanation on this here.

My Watch List: A salesperson can easily keep track of hot leads by adding them to their watch list. Keeping a close watch on the lead’s actions would help decide the right time to call the lead and make a sales pitch.

Web Activity: Shows the time and date of the lead’s last web activity. This also helps decide the right time to contact the lead. Contacting the lead closer to the last activity date gives the sales rep the opportunity to reinforce their decision to purchase or address their concerns if any.

Anonymous Web Activity: Monitoring anonymous web activity would give the salesperson an idea of which companies in their territory are visiting their website. With direct links to the company’s Demand Base, Jigsaw and LinkedIn accounts, they can research the company using Jigsaw, purchase company contacts with Demand Base and check for mutual connections via LinkedIn. This facilitates lead generation particularly for B2B companies.

My Email: Did you know that you could send Marketo emails through MSI? Yes, you can, and you can track them too. The My Email tab lets the salesperson track the sent date, opens and clicks for all Marketo emails they sent.

Lead Feed: Just like receiving Facebook updates, Lead Feed shows updates for the leads and contacts a salesperson is following. It’s as easy as subscribing to notifications based on name, company or interesting moments. There is also the option to subscribe to the RSS feed, if enabled.

Lead Record

The entire activity history of a lead can be viewed which includes interesting moments, web activity, score and emails.

Interesting Moments: Key actions like downloaded a whitepaper and filled out a form will show under Interesting Moments.

Web Activity: It shows the pages visited by a lead along with the search terms used and time stamps.

Score: Includes the complete scoring history of a lead. It also shows the actions the lead took that affected their score.

Email: A salesperson can view opens and clicks for all emails sent using Marketo.

Additional Features of Marketo Sales Insight

Native Application Advantage: Since it is a native Salesforce application, the salesperson can use the standard lead and contact view to send Marketo emails.

Outlook Integration: Considering how widely Outlook is used, MSI’s Outlook integration capability is a big advantage. Sales reps have a library of email templates to choose from and can create a new email from scratch.

Marketo Sales Insight (MSI) not only saves time for the sales team but also strengthens the relationship they have with marketing. They get more visibility into the lead lifecycle which guides their interactions with leads. This in turn leads to a shorter sales cycle, increased closing rate and quicker revenue growth.

Now that you’ve been introduced to Marketo Sales Insight and its significant features, the next step is to understand how your sales team can turn these insights into action. Stay tuned to our blog for a detailed post on the actionable steps your sales team can take using information from MSI.

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Picture of Samantha Warren

Samantha Warren is a digital marketing expert with over six years of experience in crafting 360° campaigns that marry creativity with strategy. She has helped clients in a variety of industries, including e-commerce, technology, and healthcare, to reach new heights with their marketing initiatives.