Why Work
at MAC

Constant Growth Mindset

We believe that learning and taking on new challenges keeps life (and work) interesting. We embody this mindset by seeking out innovative ideas, new tools and services to offer our clients, and eagerly embracing better ways to do things.


Talent is paramount. At MAC, opportunity is equal amongst all employees, regardless of years logged. We promote based on performance, no glass ceilings. Period.

Creative, Challenging Work

Every client has a unique set of needs and circumstances—which means every day is a happy challenge! What is more fulfilling than making a client's day by providing a killer solution? Nothing, if you ask us!

Genuine Work/Life Balance

At MAC, we understand the importance of having time for yourself. Working overtime is rare & always optional—and will always be compensated for, above and beyond salary. You put the work in, you deserve to be rewarded!

Casual Culture

Dress codes? What are those? We believe that the best consultants are those who are authentically themselves. We will never tell you what to wear or to "ease up on the smiley face usage". Show up as you are.

Approachable Leadership

Having come from a flat culture only a few years ago, we understand the importance of giving everyone at the company a voice. Though we may not be so flat anymore, we work hard to embrace that spirit.


When we asked our team to describe our culture, the words that came up are: friendly, agile, collaborative, adaptable, empowering and innovative.

We have high expectations for our consultants – because our product is our people, and our client’s success depends on us performing at a high level. We know that growth comes from pushing ourselves. We empower our consultants to take on new challenges, to own their stuff, to learn by doing, to push the limits, and to question everything.

All with a healthy amount of friendly banter!

Fun at MAC

Work hard, play hard! That’s our motto. Here are some photos of our team in action.


To support our clients in nurturing deep, personalized relationships with their leads and customers through consultation, coaching, and innovative use of marketing and sales technologies.



Striving for Excellence
In execution, in strategy, in testing and in personal growth. We empower everyone to bring their best to the table, every day. Our clients deserve it!


Constant Innovation and Learning
We endeavor to keep at the cutting edge of our tools, and are constantly looking for ways to improve as a team to provide value for our clients, ourselves and our company.


We understand the importance of pausing, and taking a moment to have a chat or a laugh with a collegue or client. Friendliness and warmth is the MAC way.


In our business, relationships are key. We believe that in any relationship, there are multiple perspectives, and a give and take. We always strive to be fair with clients, and with our employees.

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