By-the-hour billing
Our hourly rate is $170 CAD/hr for pay as you go senior marketing automation, CRM, or design/coding experts. Time is recorded to the minute. No long term contracts required.
Discounted hourly rates are available based on the quantity of hours purchased.
The deepest hourly rate discounts are available by purchasing a retainer. Retainers are available in six month increments, are paid at the beginning of each month and feature carry-forward time, to add flexibility to the traditional retainer.
Discounted hourly rates are available based on the quantity of hours purchased.
The deepest hourly rate discounts are available by purchasing a retainer. Retainers are available in six month increments, are paid at the beginning of each month and feature carry-forward time, to add flexibility to the traditional retainer.
Our Services
Our services cover architecture, strategy, execution & design for a wide range of technologies, including but not limited to
Marketo, Salesforce Sales Cloud, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, HubSpot, Salesforce Pardot, Microsoft Dynamics, Adobe Bizible (Marketo Measure), WordPress CMS & and many more!